
Friday, February 7, 2014

Mothering a Son


Most of us either have one, know one, are one. 
There are many jokes and jabs in our culture about mothers-in-law. 

Growing up in a house full of girls, I never really considered what it'd be like to be a mother-in-law to a daughter-in-law, until I had a son.

All of you mothers-of-married-sons, I'm not sure how you do it. When I think of the future and what's ahead of me, it seems very difficult. 

Those eyes that light up when they look at me now will one day light up for another woman. 

Those hands that reach for and cling to me now will one day take another woman's hand in marriage. 

That look of total satisfaction on his face after he nurses will become satisfaction in the company of someone else. 

The sweet face of my sleeping baby boy will one day be the sweet manly face that another woman gets to wake up to. 

The jibber jabber that sometimes makes it hard to think straight will be secrets and dreams shared with a wife. 

I know it is early (I mean, he's only 7 months old) but it is hard to think about those days if I think of them in my fleshly heart without considering all that Christ offers. 

I'm praying now that God will make me into a mother-in-law that loves and serves her son and his wife. One that has a deep relationship with her daughter-in-law and brings encouragement to her heart. One that prays for the woman my son will marry and loves her deeply and genuinely. One who can let go and watch her son and his wife become what God has made them to become and soar into the dreams, visions, and purposes He has for them. 

I'm praying now for you, whoever you are--the girl who will one day marry my son. May God mold you and shape you. May you be teachable and willing to follow and dream with my son. May you know my desire for true friendship and relationship with you and your children (my grand children). Ultimately, may you follow Christ with your entire being. Be gracious to me as I navigate the waters of our relationship. It won't always be easy and you probably won't understand until you have a son of your own. Just know that I love you for being you and for loving my baby boy. 

And for my son, I pray that you grow into a biblical man who leads by following Christ. Serve your wife, nuture her, love your father has shown you by example. Stop at nothing to pursue the calling God places on your life! I love you. I'm soaking up this time with you as a baby in my arms because before I know it, you will be in the arms of another who loves just a deeply, yet differently than I do. 

I love you, Gideon. 
I will always love you. 
As your middle name so eloquently conveys, you are a gift of God, and I am ever thankful that this gift was given to me. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh so sweet! Brought tears to my eyes. I have a son as well and this totally spoke to me. Thanks for sharing your heart!! Little boys are the best ;)
