Tuesday, December 27, 2011

And we're back...

to reality that is. 

The Christmas season is always filled with so much fun and excitement, but now that it is over I am actually glad to get back to my "normal" life...more like typical way of doing life because who's life is normal?? :) 

We truly enjoyed our Christmas this year...celebrating with our friends and family, and my dad was able to get a last minute flight in (prayers answered)! He was only here for a few days and I actually just said my goodbyes at the airport a few minutes ago. It is always sad when he leaves, but we were so blessed to be able to spend some time with him this weekend. 

So today...getting back to the regularly scheduled program...we will be cleaning. Mostly just putting away the new things we got and (hopefully) packing up or throwing out some old things. Oh, and we'll be shopping. My little sis (aunt b) is coming up and we are going to hit up some after Christmas sales with our gift cards and cash gifts! 

I hope you enjoy getting back to your typical routine of life. There is a fresh excitement to having a little piece of normalcy back in my life! Hope you find the joy in it as well! 



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