Thursday, September 10, 2015

Blogtember-- Sept 10

10 bucket list items

I have never really sat down to write out a bucket list. So I did that today. 
Granted, I'm sure there will be future additions as I think about things that I couldn't think of today, but its a start! 

Can I just say that its a little scary to put your bucket list out there? Like, I'm not accountable to do these things! If I don't will I be a loser? Are my bucket list items considered silly in the eyes of others? Guess its time (again) to be brave and put a little piece of my heart out there!

Here are 10 items from my bucket list. 
Some I have already done others I am still waiting to do. 
These are just random priority placed on this list...just a list. 

1. Have a garden that is fruitful from which I can feed my family. I'd like to eventually have enough produce to can for my family's use. 

2. Get a tattoo. I just can't decide what I want and I want it to be meaningful. 

3. Donate my hair. 

4. Learn how to capture beautiful pictures. 

5. Visit Greece. 

6. Live in a big city. 

7. Plant a church with Hubs. 

8. Buy a house. 

9. Read through the entire Bible. (Haven't decided if that should be "in a year" or give myself a little longer to complete the task). 

10. Have a signature/secret recipe.

What's on your bucket list?

Brave Love Blog


  1. Wow! Planting a church is huge! That's such an amazing thing to out on your list. And I know what you mean about putting a bucket list out there. I worried about the same thing you did which is why I JUST did a 101 in 1001 just last month! Ha! Nice meeting you! :)

    1. Planting a church is HUGE! Its been a dream of ours for about 5 years now. Maybe one day God will allow us to do it. Thanks for taking time to read and comment! :)

  2. I love your bucket list! I hadn't really created a list before either and was a bit nervous about sharing my ideas because now people can ask about it. Whether you accomplish some this week, in a year or in 10 years it's still fun to think about what you can accomplish. :)

  3. I love your list!! I have Bible reading and gardening on mine as well :) Such fun and meaningful goals!

  4. oh my gosh - i LOVE your list. the garden? yes please. and the tattoo?? ME TOO. i have no clue, though. probably something small on my wrist.

    1. Oh the garden dream! I had tomato plants and cucumber that I grew from seeds this year. They did really well except that the city squirrels at all the tomatoes before the ripened! AHH! I was so frustrated! Maybe next year!


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